Class DropboxController


public class DropboxController extends Object
The `DropboxController` class provides methods for interacting with Dropbox through the Dropbox API.
  • Constructor Details

    • DropboxController

      public DropboxController()
  • Method Details

    • handleAuthCommand

      public static void handleAuthCommand(DropboxUnofficialBot bot, long chatId, Properties languagePack)
      Handles the authorization command by sending an instruction message to the user.
      bot - The bot instance.
      chatId - The chat ID where the message will be sent.
      languagePack - The language pack containing text messages.
    • handleGetAccountInfo

      public static void handleGetAccountInfo(DropboxUnofficialBot bot, long chatId, Properties languagePack, String accessKey)
      Retrieves the Dropbox client using the provided access key.
      bot - The bot instance.
      accessKey - The Dropbox access key.
    • handleListDirCommand

      public static void handleListDirCommand(DropboxUnofficialBot bot, long chatId, Properties languagePack, String accessKey, String path)
      Handles the command to list files and folders in a given path on Dropbox.
      bot - The bot instance.
      chatId - The chat ID where the messages will be sent.
      languagePack - The language pack containing text messages.
      accessKey - The Dropbox access key.
      path - The path to list files and folders from.
    • handleShareCommand

      public static void handleShareCommand(DropboxUnofficialBot bot, long chatId, Properties languagePack, String accessKey, String path)
      Handles the command to share a file or folder in Dropbox.
      bot - The bot instance.
      chatId - The chat ID where the message will be sent.
      languagePack - The language pack containing text messages.
      accessKey - The Dropbox access key.
      path - The path of the file or folder to share.
    • handleMoveCommand

      public static void handleMoveCommand(DropboxUnofficialBot bot, long chatId, Properties languagePack, String accessKey, String srcPath, String dstPath)
      Handles the command to move a file or folder in Dropbox to a specified destination.
      bot - The bot instance.
      chatId - The chat ID where the message will be sent.
      languagePack - The language pack containing text messages.
      accessKey - The Dropbox access key.
      srcPath - The source path of the file or folder to move.
      dstPath - The destination path for the move operation.
    • handleUploadFiles

      public static void handleUploadFiles(DropboxUnofficialBot bot, long chatId, Properties languagePack, String accessKey, String localFilePath, String remotePath)
      Handles the command to upload a local file to Dropbox.
      bot - The bot instance.
      chatId - The chat ID where the message will be sent.
      languagePack - The language pack containing text messages.
      accessKey - The Dropbox access key.
      localFilePath - The local file path to upload.
      remotePath - The destination path in Dropbox for the uploaded file.